Work Appropriate for Who Featuring Ashley, the Student Program Specialist

green pencil skirt, chambray top, statement necklace, women, clothing, fashion, style, work

Age Range
Late twenties

Job Title
Student Program Specialist

Job Description
I work with freshman in higher education. I teach two freshman courses and help design classes and programs for first year students.

Organization Description
Large public university
Military vest, black ankle pants, black flats, chambray denim shirt, women, clothing, fashion, style
What dress code was given to you when you began the job?  
Business Casual (though the interpretation of this at my workplace is VERY different!)

What do you generally wear to work? 
I love dresses and skirts because I don’t get to wear them when I’m at home with my son. I also love fitted, cropped pants paired with pretty, loose blouses.
Where do you like to shop for work attire? 
Banana Republic, LOFT, Target, even F21 can have some great wear-to-work pieces
striped blazer, little black dress, work clothing, women, style, fashion, outfits, black pumps
How have you developed your professional style?
It has taken me so long to figure this out… At first I focused on quantity, but in the past few years I have focused more on finding quality items, and I honestly feel so much better in what I’m wearing. I try to find quality basics (black pants, gray blazer, pencil skirts, etc) and then just add in fun trendy items here and there. I also used to only buy things that were exclusively “work styles” (collared blouses, pencil skirts, etc) but I have gotten much better at buying things that are more versatile and more “me” (printed blouses, colored slacks, etc).
In your specific office, what is one thing you would tell a woman to definitely NOT wear? 
There is such a wide-range of what is appropriate to wear at the university. Some of the most senior women wear suits everyday, and some of the admin ladies will wear those two-piece cotton sets that essentially look like pajamas. I definitely do NOT recommend going too casual in higher education. It can be tempting because there is SO much flexibility, but it is important to stand out from the students. I am one of the younger instructors, and I want the students to know I am NOT a student, so I try to dress relatively professionally. 
work clothing, women style, fashion, white lace skirt, emerald green top shirt, cognac flats
What is the best “dress code” advice you have ever received?
“Buy clothes that fit well and if they don’t, get them tailored.” I figured this out the hard way. When I first started working, I would buy things on sale that often did not fit well or were too short (I’m 5’10”). I would spend the entire work day tugging at my clothes to keep them from riding up. Now I know to buy clothes in “tall” sizes and clothes that are comfortable enough to get me through an 8 hour work day.
What advice would you give to women starting in her career about dressing for her job?
Err on the conservative side. Don’t dress flashy or trendy in the beginning. Don’t spend a lot of money on work clothes in the beginning until you know your office culture better and you know what you will feel comfortable wearing in your office everyday.
Anything else you would like to add?
I totally recommend the Stylebook App to everyone! Most people are super-rushed to get dressed in the morning and the app helps take the guesswork out of what you are going to wear each day. It’s also a lot of fun to play around with new outfit ideas.
Shop Ashley’s Look
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